Today, we sit with the president of one of our partner organizations, Todos Somos Uno based in Guatemala. Mr Roger Felipe Sagastume Granja, a software developer who specializes in teaching people with hearing disabilities how to code. In 2019, Roger
Can you imagine 10 deaf people having programmed one of your smartphone apps in 2021?
Dear supporter, In 2021 we will train 10 deaf indigenous people in Guatemala to become software programmers together with our local partner organisation Todos Somos Uno. After successfully completing, all participants will earn their living in a team with an experienced
Creating a Fairer World with Deliberate Partnership | Interview with Wonder Koding
Interview with our Indonesian Partner, Wonder Koding. Sitting with our partner organization, Wonder Koding, Equilibrium Foundation brings to our audience the work of our partner and how we all strive to create a fairer world. Mr Heri Hamdani, who works
Fundraiser: Production of Soap in Sambizanga
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people worldwide and Angola is one of the countries that face the situation under difficult socio-economic circumstances. Our new partner organisation ANIMAR trains 15 members of the community of Sambizanga (District of Luanda) in producing