M.Sc. Dominique Mühlbauer
Founder and Managing Director
Experienced senior IT consultant, coach and speaker, working worldwide for 20 years in international IT-Projects and agile project management.

M.Sc. Thomas Gebhardt
Consultant and Managing Director
Leader with 25 years international experience as manager and consultant in the profit and non-profit sector in management, organisational change and human resources.

M.Sc. Mehrmah Mehrabanian
Fundraising and Finance Specialist
Financing and accounting specialist and advisor with 8 years experience in fundraising, finance and social investment.

M.Sc. Lukas Torres Wiegandt
Management Assistant
IT system specialist with 5 years experience in Project Management and IT System Management.

M.BA. Rolf Helmerdig
Office Manager
Management expert with 35 years of international experience in organisation, planning and controlling.

B.A. Olamide Olayiwola
Communication Specialist
Teacher and writer with 10 years of international experience in writing, storytelling and social marketing.

BCom Sicino Bulle
Marketing Specialist
Communication and commercial consultant with 15 years of international experience in communication, sales and digital marketing.

M.Ed. Guenter Dettbarn
Networking Manager
School education expert with 30 years national and international experience in leading and managing of school and social projects in the education and cultural sector.

B.Ed. Maria Mazariegos
Project Manager
Special education expert with 15 years international experience in education of disabled children and coaching of teacher especially with the Total Communication Method.

M.A. Sören Konaretzki
Project Manager
Political science specialist with 5 years national and international experience in development cooperation, peace and conflict management.

B.Ed. Christine Bujak
Project Manager
Social education expert with 30 years of national and international experience in leading and management of social organisations in the education and cultural sector.

Sarah Brendel
Project Specialist
Social pedagogic specialist with 10 years of experience in social work and education of children, youth, disabled and refugees.

Claudia Röse
Project Specialist
National NGO and project management expert with 20 years experience in social projects in Germany.

BBA Valentin Donath
Football Trainer
State-certified youth football coach of the German Football Association with 5 years international experience in training young people.

Tamino Brendel
Football Trainer
State-certified youth football coach of the German Football Association with 5 years international experience in training young people.