The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people worldwide and Angola is one of the countries that face the situation under difficult socio-economic circumstances. Our new partner organisation ANIMAR trains 15 members of the community of Sambizanga (District of Luanda) in producing masks and soap in order to protect their daily lives.
The access to healthcare and protection such as masks and soap is limited and expensive in this community. The inhabitants of larger Townships such as Sambizanga in Angola’s capital Luanda find it difficult to protect themselves because of financial constraints.

Wearing a mask and washing our hands with soap may be considered normal in countries like Germany, but to many, this could be a privilege. Our partner organisation reacts to this problem by implementing a program that allows free access to soap and reusable masks to all those who cannot afford them.
We want to support this great initiative with funds to purchase a concrete mixer that will be used to mix the different ingredients of the soap. Normally, this process takes a lot of time and is exhausting work. With the machine, we can speed this process up and increase the production of soap. In this way, more community members can benefit from the program and can protect themselves better from the disease.
The production process of soap involves mixing the ingredients soda, cooking oil and water together. After that the mixture has to dry for 24 hours and is then cut into pieces. The soap will then be distributed to the communities.
We intend to raise 180 euros to support the people of Sambizanga to complete this project. Help us and our partners produce as much soap as possible to protect the community of Sambizanga. No amount is too small to donate. Any amount brings us one step closer to our goal. We look forward to your support.
Thank you!